Direct Admission For Bhopal Nursing College

Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh   

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For Course(s)

  • Post Basic Bachelor of Science (Nursing)

Form Availability


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Important Dates

Events Date Last Date
Registration Dates 09/12/2020 21/12/2020    05:00 pm
Counselling Date 29/12/2020 30/12/2020


Registration Details

Admission Registration

Application Form - Rs 750/- .

(Free of cost for SC / ST / Persons with disability (PWD))

Important Dates

Merit list candidates will be displayed on BMHRC website on23/12/2020
First counseling and Admission29/12/2020
Second counseling and Admission30/12/2020

Admission Details

Admission Information

The Minimum educational qualifications required for admissions are passed 12th from a recognized board.

  • The candidate must have passed and obtained a certificate in General Nursing and Midwifery and registered as R.N / R.M. with the State Nurses Registration Council.

Selection Process

After scrutinizing the application forms the merit list will be prepared as per marks obtained in the last qualifying exam, category wise and uploaded in the BMHRC website and the counseling will be done as per calendar events. 

For more details visit official website.

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