Masters in Agribusiness is a study of business, management and organisational studies that deals with making profit from agriculture and corporate farming. Agribusiness includes the production, processing, and inventory of agricultural goods as well as involves the management of agronomic equipment and technologies, production, raw materials, financing, suppliers, work force and other resources involved in agriculture. Students get in-depth insight into the processes of production and supply chain, from raw production to reaching the consumer including all the stages in between: trade, management and consultancy, activities of businesses involved in horticulture and food chains.
Masters in Agribusiness typically cover topics such as agricultural economics, farm product marketing, quality management, the sustainability of agricultural chains, agribusiness international marketplaces and others. Specialisations include international agribusiness and trade, food and agribusiness, international horticulture and marketing, agricultural entrepreneurship, agribusiness management, sustainable agribusiness and innovation, food marketing and retail. It also provides proficiency in management related to animal management, forestry and nature management, management of the living environment, agricultural economics, and rural enterprise