Bharati Vidyapeeth Entrance Test (B.Tech. Lateral Entry) 2020 or BVP Entrance Test (B.Tech. Lateral Entry) 2020 is the entrance examination for admission to B.Tech. (Chemical Engg.) (Lateral Entry), B.Tech. (Civil Engg.) (Lateral Entry), B.Tech. (Computer Engg.) (Lateral Entry), B.Tech. (IT) (Lateral Entry), B.Tech. (Electronics Engg.) (Lateral Entry) and other courses. BVP Entrance Test (B.Tech. Lateral Entry) 2020 is conducted by Bharati Vidyapeeth.
BVP Entrance Test (B.Tech. Lateral Entry) for the year 2020 has been announced by Bharati Vidyapeeth and will be held on 25/08/2020. The exam is in online mode. The duration of the exam will be 180 minutes. It is being conducted in English language. The result date will be announced later.
Events | Start Date | Last Date |
Application Form | - | 17/08/2020 11:55 pm |
BVP Entrance Test (B.Tech. Lateral Entry) 2020 Exam Date |
Online Dates |
Prospectus not yet available. It will be uploaded as soon as it is available.
1700/- (non refundable)
Students applying for the BVP Entrance Test (B.Tech. Lateral Entry) 2020 have to fill up the application form on the official site. A student can submit the application for only once; multiple forms will be rejected.
Requirements to be readied before you start filling up the Application Form of BVP Entrance Test (B.Tech. Lateral Entry) 2020
The Usual Steps in filling up the Online Application Form of the BVP Entrance Test (B.Tech. Lateral Entry) 2020:
Incomplete applications will be rejected.
Result URL | Check your result here |