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Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April 2020 Notification, Exam Dates, Admit Card, Exam Pattern, Counselling

Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April 2020
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Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April 2020 Exam - Dates, Registration, Eligibility, Syllabus, Exam Pattern

Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April 2020 or Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April 2020 is the entrance examination for admission to Ph.D. (Homeopathy). Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April 2020 is conducted by Madhav University, Rajasthan.

Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April for the year 2020 has been announced by Madhav University, Rajasthan and will be held on 05/04/2020. The exam is in written mode. The duration of the exam will be 120 minutes. It is being conducted in English language. The result date will be announced later.

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Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April 2020 Conducting Body

Madhav University, Rajasthan

Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April 2020 Eligibility Criteria

The minimum academic qualification required for admissions are passed Master degree with At least 55% marks in aggregate (5% relaxation for SC / ST / OBC Non Creamy - Layer / Physically and visually handicapped candidates) from a recognized university.

Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April 2020 Important Dates

Events Start Date Last Date
Application Form - 30/03/2020
Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April 2020 Exam Date Offline Dates
  • 05/04/2020
  • To get all details about Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April 2020 Download Brochure

    Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April 2020 Prospectus

    Prospectus not yet available. It will be uploaded as soon as it is available.

    More Information

    Important points regarding eligibility

    • The candidates pursuing M.Phil. or any other course shall not be considered for enrollment to Ph.D course, till their pursuing course is completed.
    • The candidates may apply for admission to Ph.D whose qualifying result has not been declared. However, they will have to submit the copy of the DMC of the qualifying examination at the time of interview, proving that he / she is eligible for admission to Ph. D. course as per rules. The candidates having qualified UGC / CSIR - JRF / NET may submit provisional / qualifying certificate at the time of interview.
    • In - service applicants will submit their application duly forwarded by their employer along with "No Objection Certificate" from the employer. In case, the candidate joins service after the enrollment in Ph.D course, he / she will have to obtain the prior permission of the university subject to fulfillment of conditions required as per rules. He / she, shall also have to obtain N.O.C from the employer for continuation of his / her Ph.D Course (Part - time). Every candidate during research in a subject / discipline, where experimental work in a laboratory is required, shall have to stay for a minimum period of six hundred hours at Madhav University, Pindwara (Sirohi) or at University / Institute / Laboratory recognized by the university for prosecuting the research . In case of other candidates the minimum period of stay at university will be three hundred hours. In exceptional cases, where there is sufficient justification for doing so, the condition of minimum stay at the university may be relaxed by the President on the recommendation of the supervisor(s) and Dean / Head of the institute / R.A.C Concerned.
    • The teachers employed in a University / College before 31.03.1992 and are continuing in service on a regular basis and are desirous of registering for the Ph. D Programme shall be permitted for registration, if they have a minimum of 50% marks at the Master's Degree course.
    • The candidates shall work for Ph. D degree in a subject studied at the Master's Degree or allied subject under a recognized guide. She / he may be permitted with the approval of the concerned R.A.C to conduct research in a subject other than the one chosen for the Master's Degree, provided it is of an interdisciplinary nature.
    • The fellow members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and / or Institute of Cost and Works Accountants shall be considered eligible for registration for Ph. D in the subject of Accountancy and Actuarial Science in the faculty of commerce, provided they possess a Bachelor's Degree of any statutory university and have 10 Years Experience. However their application for registration in Ph.D has to be duly approved by the R.A.C
    • Applications for research in inter - disciplinary areas and from applicants belonging to a subject other than the faculty of the subject in which the research is proposed to be done and from the international students [those who have not obtained the degree from Indian Universities] shall be considered on the basis of the proven ability and aptitude of the researcher for such kind of research. Such proposal shall be examined by the Guide and the Department Head before giving provisional admission. The admission will be confirmed after the R.A.C approves the topic.
    • Above mentioned rules will also be applicable to the foreign students who have obtained the Master's degree from the statutory Indian Universities / Recognized Foreign Universities.
    • Exceptional ability - Extra ordinary performance / achievement / National awards Winners in any stream can also be considered for enrollment as Research Scholar.

    Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April 2020 Application Form

    Application Form Fee

    The desirous candidates may download the prescribed Ph.D Entrance Test Form from the website and send the same to Director Research (Homoeopathy), Madhav University, Abu Road, Sirohi along with the application fee of Rs. 1000/- (through Demand Draft / NEFT / Online) favouring Madhav Univesity, Abu Road as per the following bank details: 

    Account Holder Name : Head, Department of Homoeopathy, Madhav University

    Account Number : 917010077669818

    IFS Code : UTIB0001126

    Bank and Branch : Axis Bank Ltd., Abu Road

    Contact Number : +91-9817088855

    Application Form Filling Instructions

    The desirous candidates may download the prescribed Ph.D Entrance Test Form from the website and send the same to Director Research (Homoeopathy), Madhav University, Abu Road, Sirohi along with the application fee of Rs. 1000/- (through Demand Draft / NEFT / Online) favouring Madhav Univesity, Abu Road

    Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April 2020 Syllabus


    The Subjects included for Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April 2020 are:

    • Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April 2020 Question Paper shall comprise of 100 objective type questions (50 questions on mental  ability and general awareness and 50 questions on the main subject. 

    Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April 2020 Exam Day Instructions

    Offline Dates

    • 05/04/2020

    Examination Day Instructions

    Before entering the Exam Centre 

    • Before leaving for the site, please have a hearty breakfast or light lunch depending on the session. Drink plenty of fluids; as in summers dehydration can set in affecting your performance in the exam. 
    • Have a cookie or a chocolate just before entering the centre; this prevents hypoglycaemia and thus helps you stay alert longer improving your results.
    • Centre will not allow you to enter after the stipulated time of closing the doors.
    • Usually no bags are allowed. 
    • No eatables are allowed.
    • No communication equipment such as mobile phones / pager / wireless set / scanner / camera or any such electronic / digital gadget etc are allowed in the exam centre; carrying one will lead to disqualification.

    After Entering the centre

    • In no case, a candidate is allowed to enter the examination hall after the exam starts.
    • No candidate shall be allowed to leave the examination hall before the time allotted for the respective paper.
    • Candidates are not allowed to talk to each other during the examination.
    • Smoking is a not allowed.
    • Misbehaviour of any kind can lead to expulsion of the candidate.
    To get all details about Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April 2020 Download Brochure

    Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April 2020 Results

    More Information

    The validity of result of the Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April 2020 will be six months from the date of declaration of result, subject to the availability of seats in the particular subject or discipline at the time of admission. 

    There will be no provision of re-evaluation of the Madhav University Ph.D. (Homeopathy) Entrance April 2020. 

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