Ramakrishna Mission Shilpamandira Admission Test 2020 or RMSAT 2020 is the entrance examination for admission to Dip. (Civil Engg.), Dip. (Mechanical Engg.), Dip. (Electrical Engg.) and Dip. (Electronics and Telecommunication Engg.). RMSAT 2020 is conducted by Ramakrishna Mission Shilpamandira.
The application forms will be available from 21/03/2020 till 23/03/2020. The exam is in online mode. The result date will be announced later.
Eligibility Criteria:
An Indian male citizen, having passed or appeared at the Secondary (Madhyamik) Examination of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent having obtained with 50% marks in aggregate with English, Physical Science and Mathematics as subjects and at least 60% in Physical Science and Mathematics together. Valid JEXPO-2020 Rank is necessary for getting admission into the College.
Age Limit: The candidate must not be born before 01.01.1999 & should not be born after 30.06.2005.
Events | Start Date | Last Date |
Application Form | 21/03/2020 | 23/03/2020 11:55 pm |
RMSAT 2020 Exam Date | Online Dates |
Prospectus not yet available. It will be uploaded as soon as it is available.
Examination Timing: (10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon)
Instruction for Filling up of Application Form:
Submission of Application Form:
The application form, duly filled-in, is to be submitted to College on any working day [Except Sundays and College holidays] between 10:30 a.m. and 03:00 p.m. within 21 March 2020. For valid Application forms, Hall Ticket will be issued against payment of Exam Fees of ` 300/-(CASH only).
Special Instruction:
Candidate’s Original documents need to be submitted along with the application. The documentary evidence in support of educational qualification needs to be produced by successful candidates at the time of counseling for admission.
Schedule of Examination :
Mathematics | 50 marks |
Physics | 30 marks |
Chemistry | 20 marks |
Total | 100 marks |
Syllabus for SAT:
The revised syllabus of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE) for Madhyamik Pariksha, effective from the academic session 2019 – 20, will be followed. Syllabus and Question Pattern will be similar to JEXPO.
For more details: Click Here
Procedure for Conduct of examination:
Result URL | Check your result here |
Merit List : Last week of May @College Notice Board, www.shilpamandira.org & www.rkmscc.org
Counselling: Schedule will be announced in due course (tentatively in Middle of June, 2020). At the time of counseling candidate must bring the following documents (Original + Self-attested photocopy).