High Salary Courses After 12th Science PCM

May 22, 2020

High Salary Courses After 12th Science PCM

High Salary Courses to do after taking PCM in Class 12th

Every class 12 student is faced with a complicated decision regarding their future, that has a huge impact on the course of their lives. Taking up PCM opens avenues in the field of technology and innovation. These fields have immense scope and offer a vast multitude of placements in various industries while looking up to the probability of securing high paying jobs. 

Some of the most sought-after courses among students are:

1. Engineering Courses:

This is the most widely preferred option among students, with popular branches like computer science, civil, mechanical, electrical, IT. Candidates need to clear the national level JEE mains and JEE Advanced. Apart from the mainstream ones, there is a wide range of courses emerging into the field like marine, aerospace, petroleum, automobile, biotechnology, etc. 

2. Architecture Courses:

This is an ideal option for students who wish to pursue a creative career within a technical background. With the rapidly changing urban world, there is a huge demand for architects and urban designers, along with planners to shape the organized growth of emerging cities. Architecture is a five-year course for which candidates need to clear either the JEE-B.Arch Exam or the NATA Exam. 

3. B.Sc. Computer Science:

This is also a very popular course among science students who have taken up the computer as a major. Being a little different from engineering, the course teaches subjects like Database Systems, C++, JAVA, and other technical skills. Upon completing, candidates can take up jobs in MNC’s as software engineers and experience immense growth opportunities.

4. Joining the Merchant Navy:

This is an exciting field for those who do not want to settle down in the usual office job offering the chance to live a high sea life. The candidates usually become Marine Engineers, Sea Captains, Electro-Technical Officers, etc after completing B.E/B.Tech in Marine Engineering and taking up Navy Recruitment Exams and physical fitness tests.

5. Commercial Pilots:

One of the most pursued high salary courses after completing PCM is the training for a commercial pilot. With rapid globalisation, the aviation industry has seen a booming rise in the demand for pilots. There are a lot of private institutions that offer courses in aviation but often come with exorbitant rates. Also read How to become a Commercial Pilot in India?

These were some of the most popular courses among students, and there are a lot of other opportunities for students after studying PCM based on their interests. 


Also See: Courses after 12th Commerce without Maths

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