What is a good SAT score?
The SAT 2020 examination will have four sections, which will consist of Reading, Writing, Math, and Language and Essay. Each section will have different marks allotted to it, and the essay section will be optional. The Evidence-based Reading and Writing sections have a combined score of 800 marks in total, out of the 1600 marks SAT paper. The essay is an optional section that will be graded between 2 to 8 marks, and this score will not be included in the total SAT score.
Several candidates have bombarded the experts in this field with the same question, What is a good score in SAT Exam 2020? The experts have laid down several facts stating that it is not that easy to predict a good score for the SAT exam since it has been noted that out of the 1600 marks examination, individuals who have scored 1480 marks could get into the Berkley and Amherst University in some year, but some candidates couldn’t get admission in the same university even though scoring 1540 marks in another year.
The results of this examination depends on the number of candidates who appear for the SAT, as it is a major factor in deciding an individual’s overall rank in the exam and whether they might get through the selection process for admission or not. Well someone who scored 1200 also got through the same college as someone who got in for 1400 marks. Thus, there are several such anomalous cases that affect the results and decides the admission criterion for students aspiring to get selected through the admission process in top colleges through the SAT 2020 exam.
Details Regarding the SAT Exam Score Card
The SAT examination is a pen-paper based test in which the candidates are required to fill the OMR sheet in response to the correct answers, and fortunately, there is no negative marking in the exam. The SAT June examination will be held in a similar manner, and the score report will be declared within three weeks of the test.
The score report generally consists of three sections, the first section depicts the score between 400 and 1600, which an individual has scored in the final SAT examination. The second section of the score report is an analysis of the essay score, including the reading and writing section which is graded between 1 and 4, along with the percentile secured as an overall in the competition.
Section-Wise Analysis of The Score Report
The first section of the score report declares the total score of the individuals, whereas the second section of the SAT report card consists of marks scored in every section. This section includes an analysis of marks scored in the evidence-based English reading and writing section, along with marks scored in Mathematics which usually lies between 200 and 800. Some of the colleges consider super scoring while reviewing the candidates' marks who have appeared for the SAT exam twice.The test scores are between 10-40, and the cross-test scores are of two types, namely analysis on Social Studies, and the other domain is Science. Students are also judged on the basis of sub-scores which range from 1 to 15 when skills like command of the language, usage of words best describing the context, expression of own ideas, algebra and problem-solving are analyzed. There is a color-coding scheme on the scorecard, that depicts the benchmark for the level of skills individuals met while attempting the SAT exam. This technique is best for correcting the mistakes and helps in strengthening the skillset.
SAT Raw Score Analysis
The SAT 2020 Board will use an equating formula to calculate the scaled score since only the board knows how the formula works, students rely on the Raw score conversion table for pre assuming their SAT exam scores. The query of knowing a good score for the SAT exam still remains unanswered because no standard score is considered good. Any score that can help students reach their dream college through SAT Exam 2020 can prove to be a good score. The scaled score in the SAT exam depends on the raw score conversion that mainly depends on the goals of individuals, their current profile and target university they want to get selected into.
Factors Affecting Selection in SAT
● Profile of the Individuals: The Universities in the U.S. select students for the undergraduate programs on the basis of their SAT score, extracurricular activities participation, Statement of Purpose, and academic score. Thus, judging the overall personality and profile of the individuals. Therefore, it is recommended to students to maintain a good profile throughout their school life, as one who excels in all the other fields easily gets selected to a great university through SAT examination.
● University Students Aspire For: to decide a good SAT 2020 score, the personal goals of individuals will matter. The students should be clear in mind about getting selected in a target university in the U.S. through the SAT exam. Students can choose their target university by looking for a college experience that suits their personal space, and the activities they will explore throughout the course in which they fit in best. Students can consult the counseling services that will help them in selecting the best-suited university for them, and will guide them in achieving a target SAT score to get into that University.
What It Takes To Get Into a Great College Through SAT
The competition to get into specific universities has grown by leaps, many students will aim for getting selected through the SAT June examination in top-ranked Universities. A score of 1400 may not guarantee the students a seat in great University, but anything less than 1500 scores surely means rejection from top-ranked universities. Every year the candidates are ranked according to 25 and 75 percentile, which means below average and above average respectively. Thus, a candidate who is above 75 percentile, has a higher chance of getting selected in a top-ranked University.
See: SAT Exam Pattern 2020
How To Get a Good Score in SAT 2020?
Students should rely on the smart work more than the hard work for securing higher positions in top percentile, here are some tips listed below which are advised from the Scholars, that will help candidates to get into their selected Universities:
● Knowing What is SAT Examination: Before candidates choose to appear for the SAT exam, they should know all the nitty-gritty of this test. Students must know about the marking scheme and should be clear in mind about the syllabus and structure of the SAT test. The main objective of students should be clearing this exam, which requires proper knowledge about the number of questions, sections, and time duration of the SAT Exam.
● Starting With The Preparation Phase Early: To score higher in the SAT examination, students should prefer to start with the preparation phase early. Students who are late to join in the competition, need to go the extra mile to achieve what it takes to face the challenges like exam pressure and stress. Starting early will help students to build a good structure of their profile for showing participation in extracurricular activities as well, these achievements will help in applying and getting selected in a great college.
● Undertaking Diagnostic Tests: Students can choose to go through the diagnostic process by undertaking the mock test and previous year papers, in order to practice daily and keep themselves motivated throughout the preparation journey. To perform the best to one’s ability, individuals should customize their daily routine and preparation strategy.
● Working on a Correct Strategy: Students can choose to join classes specifically coursed to help them prepare for SAT Exam 2020, otherwise online coaching is also a viable option for figuring out the correct preparation strategy. The correct preparation technique used throughout the day will help students achieve their goals in a prescribed time. There are several online plans available online to ace the SAT exams, which focuses on covering a large syllabus with the least amount of effort through modular preparation practiced methodically.
● Studying Consistently: It is evident to get distracted while studying consistently, but students should not forget their aim to get selected in a top-ranked University. They should make daily efforts in achieving their goal, either by studying for at least 4-5 hours daily in order to complete the SAT Exam 2020 syllabus on time.
● Taking Guidance From Experienced Mentors: Students can solve the questions on the SAT examination easily but it becomes difficult to solve a maximum number of questions with accuracy within time constraints. The experienced mentors can guide students in achieving their goals by helping them figure out the best strategies to score higher marks. Students can refer to their mentors for understanding key concepts and develop a better understanding of the subject. The tips from subject experts will help students master their paper solving strategies and build high accuracy and speed traits to aid them in facing exam pressure.
● Reading Good Literature Books: The SAT exam comprises the reading and writing section, so to master the comprehension section students must prepare themselves well by gaining proper knowledge from learning quality literature and strengthening their skills in command of language. Students should develop a habit of reading literature books daily and choose magazines that provide general knowledge, this technique will help them improve their vocabulary skills.
● Tackling the Passages in SAT Exam: Through practicing the previous year papers and mock tests daily, students can master their abilities in figuring out which passage in the SAT exam is of more importance and requires a deeper understanding of the subject. This technique helps students in facing the passages asked in several sections of the SAT exam easily, and students also develop a habit of skimming the passages to save their time to attempt more questions carrying equal weightage.
● Staying Motivated and Focused: Students should not feel demotivated if they do not score high in the mock tests, because success is met through facing consistent hardships. Students should always be focused on eventually achieving their goal, so they must not get disheartened at an early stage, and rather figure out techniques to perform well in the exam by correcting their mistakes in the preparation phase itself. Students should root out the topics in which they make errors usually, and focus on understanding the context of key concepts to develop a better understanding.
● Analyzing the Mock Tests: It is known that there is no substitute for to self-analysis, but mocks are a great option available to analyze the performance of the individuals. Students should go through the mock tests to develop a deep understanding of the syllabus and structure of questions asked in every section, mock tests keep the students motivated for achieving their goal. Students can make a section-wise list to deal with the weak topics and the areas in which they mostly stumble.
● Scheduling SAT Exam: The SAT exam is conducted more than twice in a single year, therefore students must select the date for attempting the SAT exam that suits them the best. Students must select a date that is far away from any occasion, project deadlines and mid-term exams.
● Revising Concepts Thoroughly: It is evident to lose track of the preparation strategy while carrying out daily life tasks, therefore students must have a clear mindset for focusing on the SAT Exam 2020. The revision strategy helps students build great skills until, the end hour before the exam, it brushes up all the key concepts in mind and helps in answering the relevant questions in exam pressure. Students must complete their syllabus in prescribed time and save time for carrying out revision.
● Working on Improving Self Profile: There are several Universities in the U.S. that take admission of students on the basis of their overall personality, along with the SAT exam score. They holistically assess individuals' profiles and the judge on the basis of presentation skills and extracurricular achievements.
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Ahamad Husain